Search for tag: "background"

Selecting a Research Topic and Formulating a Research Question

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From  Ilana Kingsley 364 plays 0  

Episode 15: On Grit with Peggy Keiper, Hunting Science

Dr. Peggy Keiper, Director of the Sport and Recreation Business Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, talks with us about Grit and how it is important for hunting. We also discuss our…

From  Christen Bouffard 25 plays 0  

Episode 11: Hunters and Viruses with Dr Andy Ramey, Hunting Science Podcast

Listen to my conversation with Dr. Andy Ramey about hunters, viruses, and other zoonotics. Andy is research wildlife geneticist with the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, who…

From  Mark Lindberg 20 plays 0  

#facdev 12 Days of Google - Google Draw

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From  uaf -ecampus-design 8 plays 0