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Multimedia Training: Effective Feedback Strategies with PlayPositZoom Recording ID: 85781888551 UUID: QfE48o6rRp6m9UCHzRsyTw== Meeting Time: 2023-09-20 06:58:54pmGMT
From uaf -ecampus-zoom
11 plays
Multimedia Training: Level-up Multimedia Instruction with WeVideoZoom Recording ID: 85781888551 UUID: +P7fCKLuSqWNKS7N6foWaQ== Meeting Time: 2023-09-13 06:54:41pmGMT
From uaf -ecampus-zoom
7 plays
Canvas: NQ Quiz to Classic Quiz ConversionThis short video tutorial will show you how to move your current New Quizzes to Classic Quizzes. The quiz converter used in this video is For more…
From Nathan Feemster
84 plays
Canvas Quickstart (Zoom Recording)Recording of the Canvas Quickstart workshop at eCampus. This walks you through the Canvas interface and shows you how to use the main features of Canvas: Modules, Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions,…
From Chris Beks
79 plays
Reorder and Hide Courses in Canvas DashboardA quick tutorial on how to change the order of your courses on your Canvas dashboard, and how you hide your courses from the Dashboard altogether. (music:
From Chris Beks
64 plays
Justice oriented Teaching and Social Annotation with Remi KalirDr. Kalir will present a fresh take on the centuries-old practice of annotation, explore the creative and critical qualities of this everyday reading and writing practice, and discuss the importance…
From Nathan Feemster
37 plays
Canvas Carryout: Gradebook & SpeedGraderLearn about the Gradebook and the widely popular SpeedGrader feature in Canvas. See how to set up the grade categories and provide engaging feedback to your students.
From Chris Beks
21 plays
Canvas Carryout: Communicating with StudentsLearn about Canvas notifications, add announcements, and email students from Canvas. See how the Inbox feature handles communications.
From Chris Beks
16 plays
Canvas Carryout: Discussion ForumsLearn how to set up and configure discussion forums in Canvas, how to add engaging content, and how to add the discussion forum into a Module.
From Chris Beks
9 plays
Canvas Carryout: QuizzesSee how to create and import quizzes in Canvas, the different question options, how to grade them, and how to add them to the Modules in your course.
From Chris Beks
17 plays
Canvas Carryout - AssignmentsSee how to set up assignments in your Canvas course, and how to customize the description and instructions including embedded media and documents.
From Chris Beks
5 plays
Canvas Carryout - Building Pages - Building Blocks of Your CourseSee how Pages are the main way to present content in Canvas. Learn how to add text, images, links to documents, and embed media.The link in the video to the Banner template can be found here.
From Chris Beks
12 plays
Canvas Carryout - ModulesSee how Modules in Canvas structure your course content and act as the ‘trail’ guiding your students through the course.
From Chris Beks
12 plays
Canvas Carryout - Course Copy & Course Cross-Listing (Stacking)Find your migrated courses and learn how to copy course material from current Canvas courses into another course. This session explains stacking (cross-listing) your courses in Canvas. The Canvas…
From Chris Beks
30 plays
Canvas Carryout: Canvas Interface & NavigationGet to know Canvas! This introduction session shows you the Canvas interface, where to find your course, and how to get to the most common features including help.
From Chris Beks
10 plays