Search for tag: "elearning"
Introduction to TranscriptionLearning Glass lecture introducing transcription. Presented by Prof. Kristin O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Kristin O'Brien
360 plays
How Genes WorkLearning Glass lecture detailing how genes work. Presented by Prof. Kristin O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Kristin O'Brien
438 plays
DNA Replication – Part IILearning Glass lecture on DNA replication. Part 2 of 3. Presented by Prof. Kristin O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Sean Holland
23 plays
DNA Replication – Part ILearning Glass lecture on DNA replication. Part 1 of 3. Presented by Prof. Kristin O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Sean Holland
139 plays
The Calvin CycleLearning Glass lecture on the Calvin cycle. Presented by Prof. Diane O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Diane OBrien
603 plays
Chloroplast StructureLearning Glass lecture on chloroplast structure. Presented by Prof. Diane O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Diane OBrien
447 plays
PhotosystemsLearning Glass lecture on photosystems. Presented by Prof. Diane O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Diane OBrien
489 plays
GlycolysisLearning Glass lecture on glycolysis. Presented by Prof. Diane O'Brien for Biology 115: Fundamentals of Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
From Diane OBrien
500 plays