Search for tag: "sea"

One Health Seminar: Dr. Henry Huntington

Zoom Recording ID: 82938296441 UUID: Anwn20T+Qtizm4oS6M81ww== Meeting Time: 2021-04-05T23:43:21Z

From  Hannah Robinson 30 plays 0  

Thermohaline Ocean Circulation

From  Joseph Jackson 182 plays 0  

Onboard R/V Sikuliaq for a DNA sequencing workshop with Oxford Nanopore Technology

In October 2018, Anne-Lise Ducluzeau, post-doc in Devin Drown’s lab at the Institute of Arctic Biology, and 11 undergraduate students of STEMseas and UAF BlaST programs spent a week aboard the…

From  Anne Lise Ducluzeau 55 plays 0  

Plant Morphology (Part III)

From  Stefanie Ickert-Bond 600 plays 0