Staff Recognition and Development Day 2023 Longevity Award Recipients: https://oncilla.admin.uaf.edu/2023_srdd_awards.php
Chancellor White hosted forum on enrollment Thursday, Feb. 9 from 1-2 p.m. Panelists shared progress on UAF's strategic enrollment planning efforts and opportunities for participation. Panelists…
The UAF Bristol Bay Campus 2022 virtual commencement.
Dr. Kalir will present a fresh take on the centuries-old practice of annotation, explore the creative and critical qualities of this everyday reading and writing practice, and discuss the importance…
Chancellor Dan White hosted a webinar on UAF’s strategic planning efforts Tuesday, Nov. 23, at 1 p.m. Panelists included:Nickole Conley, executive officer Alexis Knabe, interim vice chancellor…
Quick video instruction on Interlibrary Loans (ILL)- what they are and how to request them.
Zoom Recording ID: 85225301668
UUID: YWaTLq0JQAKkBd7cS0Vx1g==
Meeting Time: 2021-10-26T19:08:07Z
Chancellor Dan White hosted a forum on UAF's budget from 1- 2 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 19. UA system has been asked to provide areas for potential investment by the state for FY23 and the campus…
Zoom Recording ID: 85407794049
UUID: His5ihuZRGWi96//zNUq1A==
Meeting Time: 2021-04-22T21:08:18Z
UAF eCampus and IARC (International Arctic Research Center) present a video showcasing the difference between climate and weather.