Search for tag: "chat"

Chanel Miller- Know My Name

Librarian Genova Boyd is joined by Rinam Kowalski (they/them), Prevention Specialist for the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living, and Sabrina Headrick (she/her) from the UAF Student Health…

From  Genova Brookes Boyd 21 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout - Course Copy & Course Cross-Listing (Stacking)

Find your migrated courses and learn how to copy course material from current Canvas courses into another course. This session explains stacking (cross-listing) your courses in Canvas. The Canvas…

From  Chris Beks 24 plays 0  

10 Days of Google: Google Slides - Beyond Presentations (2020-11-12 at 12_30 GMT-8)

You’ve used Google Slides for a slideshow presentation, but have you experimented with templates? Animation? Quizzing? Learn about the practical applications of some of Slides’ best…

From  Christen Bouffard 29 plays 0  

10 Days of Google: Google Docs - More than Collaborative Writing (2020-11-09 at 12_30 GMT-8)

From  Christen Bouffard 15 plays 0  

10 Days of Google: Google Meet for Synchronous Sessions (2020-11-05 at 12_31 GMT-8)

From  Christen Bouffard 0 plays 0  

Day 4 Climate & Energy Connections in My Community Video 6_8-6-2020

Zoom Recording ID: 98800462112 UUID: GjN08Q7QSZeQvRdrCcyx6w== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T18:34:08Z

From  Christina Buffington 4 plays 0  

Day 1 Climate & Energy Connections in My Community course intro & Kongiganak interview_Video 1_8-3-2020

This is the first recorded zoom session for the one-credit UAF course (NRM/ED 595) titled, "Climate and Energy Connections in My Community." Here is the Course Description: This course is…

From  Christina Buffington 17 plays 0