Search for tag: "couple"
Introduction to Searching the Archive's CatalogRachel Cohen, Archivist, at the Elmer E. Rasmuson Library at UAF, shows users how to search the Archive's catalog to locate items of interest and how to reach out to learn more about the…
From Rachel Cohen
24 plays
Canvas Carryout - Building Pages - Building Blocks of Your CourseSee how Pages are the main way to present content in Canvas. Learn how to add text, images, links to documents, and embed media.The link in the video to the Banner template can be found here.
From Chris Beks
12 plays
Golden Heart Parade a Book LaunchThe Elmer E. Rasmuson Library hosts a book launch and discussion of Joseph Holt's Golden Heart Parade, a debut selection of short stories.
From Genova Brookes Boyd
11 plays
4-H Tree Detectives Challenge 10/26/2020Zoom Recording ID: 6574011414 UUID: Jmw6BWc/Sae1S42M7N3wIg== Meeting Time: 2020-10-26T19:00:20Z
From Christina Buffington
14 plays
Insiders Guide to Grapefruit RocksThis multi-media guide provides tips and strategies for getting started climbing at Grapefruit Rocks. There is a brief history of the area, a discussion of some of the risks, and guidance for…
From Frank Olive
154 plays
Family Freindly Alaska Range AdventureThis presentation covers an itinerary and details for a fun long weekend in the Eastern Alaska Range. It presents areas to camp and several great day hikes in the area. Maps, gear lists, and a…
From Frank Olive
66 plays
Episode 12: Capturing Hunting Lifestyle in Photos with Phil Kahnke, Hunting SciencePhil Kahnke talks to us about his photography and duck hunting. Phil tells us about his techniques and philosophy for capturing his incredible images. I was particularly intrigued by our…
From Mark Lindberg
23 plays
Blackboard Bitez: My Courses NavigationThis video shows you how to make it easier to navigate to your courses in Blackboard. Editing the My Courses module in Blackboard lets you hide courses you no longer need to see and change the order…
From Chris Beks
44 plays
Episode 09 - The Science of Moose HuntingListen to my conversation with Tony Hollis, area biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and lifelong hunter, about moose hunting in Alaska. Tony is passionate about moose hunting and…
From Christen Bouffard
104 plays