Search for tag: "module"

Canvas Course Flow - Instructure

Instructure led workshop covering modules and how to make a course flow.

From  Nathan Feemster 0 plays 0  

Canvas Course Data and Analytics - Instructure

Instructure led Canvas training on using data analytics from your course.

From  Nathan Feemster 0 plays 0  

Canvas Quickstart (Zoom Recording)

Recording of the Canvas Quickstart workshop at eCampus. This walks you through the Canvas interface and shows you how to use the main features of Canvas: Modules, Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions,…

From  Chris Beks 57 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout: Discussion Forums

Learn how to set up and configure discussion forums in Canvas, how to add engaging content, and how to add the discussion forum into a Module.

From  Chris Beks 7 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout: Quizzes

See how to create and import quizzes in Canvas, the different question options, how to grade them, and how to add them to the Modules in your course.

From  Chris Beks 16 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout - Assignments

See how to set up assignments in your Canvas course, and how to customize the description and instructions including embedded media and documents.

From  Chris Beks 3 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout - Building Pages - Building Blocks of Your Course

See how Pages are the main way to present content in Canvas. Learn how to add text, images, links to documents, and embed media.The link in the video to the Banner template can be found here.

From  Chris Beks 10 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout - Modules

See how Modules in Canvas structure your course content and act as the ‘trail’ guiding your students through the course.

From  Chris Beks 11 plays 0  

Canvas II Workshop

This session covers assignments using External Tools, the Gradebook and Speedgrader, Groups, and Peer Reviews.

From  Christen Bouffard 68 plays 0  

Display a Presentation from Google Slides In Canvas

From  Christen Bouffard 39 plays 0  

Blackboard Bitez: My Courses Navigation

This video shows you how to make it easier to navigate to your courses in Blackboard. Editing the My Courses module in Blackboard lets you hide courses you no longer need to see and change the order…

From  Chris Beks 44 plays 0  

#facdev 12 Days of Google - Google Classroom

From  uaf -ecampus-design 25 plays 0  

How to Create a Discussion in Canvas

From  Sean Holland 14 plays 0  

How to Create a Page in Canvas

From  Sean Holland 7 plays 0