01:25:28duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Justice oriented Teaching and Social Annotation…
Justice oriented Teaching and Social Annotation with Remi Kalir
Dr. Kalir will present a fresh take on the…
49:14duration 49 minutes 14 seconds
February Teaching Spotlight: Denise Thorsen
Denise Thorsen, Professor of electrical and…
01:05:27duration 1 hour 5 minutes
OH Seminar: Dr. Michael Hatcher- Influencing…
OH Seminar: Dr. Michael Hatcher- Influencing Change and Adoption in Public Health Practice
Zoom Recording ID: 84101181088 UUID:…
39:52duration 39 minutes 52 seconds
Avalanche Rescue Clinic Classroom
This outlines the details for heading out to the…
02:16duration 2 minutes 16 seconds
Welcome to the Course!