01:39duration 1 minute 39 seconds
Using Zotero with Word
02:13duration 2 minutes 13 seconds
Setting Up Alerts in the ProQuest News &…
Setting Up Alerts in the ProQuest News & Newspapers Database
05:27duration 5 minutes 27 seconds
Searching Business Source Premier (Part 2)
This video focuses on field searching and how to…
01:25:53duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Canvas II Workshop
This session covers assignments using External…
01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
Display a Presentation from Google Slides In…
Display a Presentation from Google Slides In Canvas
01:05:27duration 1 hour 5 minutes
OH Seminar: Dr. Michael Hatcher- Influencing…
OH Seminar: Dr. Michael Hatcher- Influencing Change and Adoption in Public Health Practice
Zoom Recording ID: 84101181088 UUID:…
43:18duration 43 minutes 18 seconds
10 Days of Google: Google Docs - More than…
10 Days of Google: Google Docs - More than Collaborative Writing (2020-11-09 at 12_30 GMT-8)
33:41duration 33 minutes 41 seconds
10 Days of Google: Google Classroom - Assignments…
10 Days of Google: Google Classroom - Assignments and Grading (2020-11-03 at 12_33 GMT-8)
27:15duration 27 minutes 15 seconds
#facdev 12 Days of Google - Accessibility with…
#facdev 12 Days of Google - Accessibility with Grackle Docs
25:34duration 25 minutes 34 seconds
#facdev 12 Days of Google - Google Draw
26:59duration 26 minutes 59 seconds
#facdev 12 Days of Google - Google Classroom