Search for tag: "sine"

Midterm 2 debrief

Overview of how to solve the problems on the Spring 2024 midterm 2. (Not full solutions, just discussion of solution techniques and issues to be aware of -- full solutions available separately.)

From  Leah Berman Williams 28 plays 0  

Sample quiz 9

Sample Quiz 9 for feedback before the exam.

+19 More
From  Leah Berman Williams 21 plays 0  

Worksheet: Integration Palooza

Worksheet: integration palooza! A collection of integrals to integrate using a variety of calculus 1 integration techniques

+19 More
From  Leah Berman Williams 15 plays 0  

Worksheet: Integrals involving inverse trig functions

Worksheet: Integrals involving inverse trigonometric functions

From  Leah Berman Williams 22 plays 0  

Worksheet: Substitution-MorePractice

Worksheet: Substitution-MorePractice

From  Leah Berman Williams 2 plays 0  

Intro Video: Integrals involving exponentials and logs

Intro Video: Integrals involving exponentials and logs

From  Leah Berman Williams 26 plays 0  

Worksheet: Substitution

Worksheet: Substitution

From  Leah Berman Williams 28 plays 0  

Worksheet: The Net Change Theorem

Worksheet: The Net Change Theorem

From  Leah Berman Williams 36 plays 0  

Worksheet: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (day 1)

Worksheet: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (day 1)

From  Leah Berman Williams 45 plays 0  

Worksheet: The Definite Integral

Worksheet: The Definite Integral

From  Leah Berman Williams 48 plays 0  

Worksheet: Antiderivatives

Worksheet: Antiderivatives

+19 More
From  Leah Berman Williams 27 plays 0  

Worksheet: More Practice on L'Hôpital's Rule

Worksheet: More Practice on L'Hôpital's Rule

From  Leah Berman Williams 19 plays 0  

Worksheet: L'Hôpital's Rule

From  Leah Berman Williams 31 plays 0  

Worksheet: Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes (day 1)

Worksheet: Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes, and sophisticated graphing (day 1)

From  Leah Berman Williams 48 plays 0  

Worksheet: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph (day 1)

Worksheet: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph. day 1. Focusing on the First Derivative Test, using derivatives to find local extrema, and using the second derivative to identify concavity.

From  Leah Berman Williams 52 plays 0  

Worksheet: Maxima and Minima (the Closed Interval Method)

Worksheet: Finding Maxima and Minima, day two; The extreme value theorem and absolute maxima and minima on a

From  Leah Berman Williams 22 plays 0