Episode 10: Care of Meat in the Alaska Wilderness
In this episode, I talk with Randy Brown about his knowledge of care of red meat and fish that he obtained during his 15 years of living in the Alaska bush.  We start our conversation by having Randy first tell us about how he struck out into the wilderness at the age of 18, a fascinating story in of itself.  We then hear about the experiences (science) that provided him with the skills and knowledge that were essential for his survival.  Randy shares this science with us, including for example why he thinks Beaver is the perfect food for living in the wilderness.  This is part one of our conversation with Randy.  Later this month we will release the 2nd episode, a conversation with Randy (a fisheries biologist by training) about the science of Whitefish ecology in Alaska and glowing Salmon.  This slight diversion in our hunting theme is a fascinating tale about the wonders of fish migration and bacteria.
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Episode 10: Care of Meat in the Alaska Wilderness

From Mark Lindberg February 07, 2020  

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