Search for tag: "algebra"
Worked Homework Problems: #382 and 385 from Section 4.8 (L'Hopital's Rule)Worked examples: #382 and #385 from section 4.8 of OpenStax Calcuus 1 (on L'Hopital's Rule)
From Leah Berman Williams
9 plays
Worksheet: Final Exam ReviewWorksheet: Final Exam Review. With commentary. And a bonus Newtons's Method problem.
From Leah Berman Williams
65 plays
Recitation-PracticeIPTMath F251X Calculus I Recitation Video: Practice Integral Proficiency Test
From Leah Berman Williams
14 plays
RecitationVideo-L’H-AntiderivativesRecitation Video for Math F251X: practice with using L'Hopital's rule (or not!) to compute certain limits, and thinking about the relationship between derivatives and antiderivatives, plus…
From Leah Berman Williams
59 plays
RecitationWeek6-ExpLogInverseFunctionsAlgebra preparation for MATH F251X calculus 1, on exponential functions, logarithmic functions, inverse functions, and inverse trigonometric functions.
From Leah Berman Williams
65 plays
RecitationWeek4-AlgebraFOrDerivativesRecitation Worksheet for Week 4 of Calculus 1: Algebra for Derivatives
From Leah Berman Williams
89 plays
Calculus I Recitation - Algebra for LimitsThis video accompanies the worksheet for Recitation Week 3, on Algebra for Limits
From Leah Berman Williams
152 plays