Search for tag: "limit"
Midterm 2 debriefOverview of how to solve the problems on the Spring 2024 midterm 2. (Not full solutions, just discussion of solution techniques and issues to be aware of -- full solutions available separately.)
From Leah Berman Williams
28 plays
Sample Quiz 8 for feedbackHere's a version of Quiz 8 that looks remarkably like the actual Quiz 8 from Spring 2024, worked out in detail so you can get some feedback before the midterm.
From Leah Berman Williams
12 plays
Worked Homework Problems: #382 and 385 from Section 4.8 (L'Hopital's Rule)Worked examples: #382 and #385 from section 4.8 of OpenStax Calcuus 1 (on L'Hopital's Rule)
From Leah Berman Williams
9 plays
Worksheet: Final Exam ReviewWorksheet: Final Exam Review. With commentary. And a bonus Newtons's Method problem.
From Leah Berman Williams
65 plays
Worksheet: Limits at Infinity and Sophisticated Graphing (Day 2)Worksheet: Limits at Infinity, Horizontal Asymptotes, and Sophisticated Graphing (Day 2)
From Leah Berman Williams
19 plays
Worksheet: Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes (day 1)Worksheet: Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes, and sophisticated graphing (day 1)
From Leah Berman Williams
48 plays
Worksheet: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph (Day 2)Worksheet: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph, using the second derivative test
From Leah Berman Williams
23 plays
Worksheet: Derivatives of Exponentials and Logarithms, day 1Worksheet on derivatives of exponentials and logarithms, focusing on exponential functions
From Leah Berman Williams
35 plays
Intro Video: Derivatives of Sine and CosineIntro Video: Proving that the derivative of sin(x) is cos(x) and that the derivative of cos(x) is -sin(x).
From Leah Berman Williams
45 plays