Search for tag: "bit"
True to the TrailElmer E. Rasmuson Library hosts a book launch of "True to the Trail" by Anne Waight. The author answers questions regarding the writing of the book.
From Genova Brookes Boyd
6 plays
Simplest C++ program - compile the programCompile the simplest possible C++ program using the g++ compiler. g++ -std=c++17 -o sample sample.c++
From Lane Schwartz
9 plays
Canvas Course Flow - InstructureInstructure led workshop covering modules and how to make a course flow.
From Nathan Feemster
1 plays
Canvas Course Data and Analytics - InstructureInstructure led Canvas training on using data analytics from your course.
From Nathan Feemster
1 plays
Worksheet: Integration PaloozaWorksheet: integration palooza! A collection of integrals to integrate using a variety of calculus 1 integration techniques
From Leah Berman Williams
15 plays
Worksheet: Linear Approximations and DifferentialsWorksheet: linear approximations (tangent line approximations) and differentials
From Leah Berman Williams
44 plays
Canvas Quickstart (Zoom Recording)Recording of the Canvas Quickstart workshop at eCampus. This walks you through the Canvas interface and shows you how to use the main features of Canvas: Modules, Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions,…
From Chris Beks
79 plays
Jack River IceThis video will help folks to get out and enjoy climbing the ice waterfall in the Jack River Valley. It includes logistics, route information, maps, and gear for this adventure.
From Frank Olive
44 plays
BNZ Data Literacy Training with Dataspire: Teaching Graph ChoiceData Literacy Workshop for Educators: Not Another Bar Graph! Teaching Graph Choice with Kristin Hunter-Thomson from Dataspire. This will be the first of two mini-workshops focused on how we can help…
From Katie Spellman
4 plays