Search for tag: "language"

Conditional control flow using if

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From  Lane Schwartz 0 plays 0  

Hello world in Swift

+22 More
From  Lane Schwartz 1 plays 0  

Command line arguments in C++

#include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int n{0}; n <= argc; n += 1) { std::cout << argv[n] << '\n'; } return 0; }

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 2 plays 0  

Basic for loop in C++

#include <iostream> int main() { for (int n{10}; n > 0; n = n - 1) { std::cout << n << "\n"; } }

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 1 plays 0  

Using Semantic Scholar

Quick introduction to using Semantic Scholar

+19 More
From  Ilana Kingsley 19 plays 0  

Compiling C++

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 14 plays 0  

James Kari - March 7th ACCAP talk

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From  James Kari 7 plays 0  

Introducing the Lower Tanana Dene Dictionary

+19 More
From  James Kari 43 plays 1  

Yup'ik Language App

We are developing a Yup'ik Language App focusing on the dialect in the Iliamna Lake region!We are asking community members of the Iliamna Lake region to share what they think should be captured…

+19 More
From  Pearl Foster 4 plays 0  

Book Discussion: Our Whole Gwich'in Way of Life Has Changed

Rasmuson Library presents a book discussion of Our Whole Gwich'in Way of Life Has Changed / Gwich'in K'yuu Gwiidandài' Tthak Ejuk Gòonlih: Stories from the People of…

+22 More
From  Genova Brookes Boyd 29 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout - Assignments

See how to set up assignments in your Canvas course, and how to customize the description and instructions including embedded media and documents.

+21 More
From  Chris Beks 5 plays 0  

One Health Seminar: Dr. Heather J. Gordon

Zoom Recording ID: 83537777566 UUID: n75ezVrfSPyQsANAbeeZPg== Meeting Time: 2021-04-19T23:52:38Z

+19 More
From  Hannah Robinson 106 plays 0  

Student Reflections for Nursing Pinning Ceremony 2020

Student Reflections for Nursing Pinning Ceremony Fall 2020. Featuring and honoring Jessica Denslinger and Lumin Guo.

+21 More
From  Pearl Foster 39 plays 0  

Gwich'in Sounds - Consonants

Gwich'in Language Instructor Paul Williams, Jr. sounds out consonants of the Gwich'in Language

+2 More
From  Moss Moss 58 plays 0