Search for tag: "bottom"

Using Zotero with Word

From  Ilana Kingsley 9 plays 0  

Recitation 5: Prep for Midterm 1

(fixed #6)

From  Leah Berman Williams 28 plays 0  

Editing in vim

From  Lane Schwartz 18 plays 0  

Worksheet: More Practice on L'Hôpital's Rule

Worksheet: More Practice on L'Hôpital's Rule

From  Leah Berman Williams 13 plays 0  

Worksheet: L'Hôpital's Rule

From  Leah Berman Williams 25 plays 0  

Worksheet: The definition of the derivative

Worksheet: The definition of the derivative

From  Leah Berman Williams 47 plays 0  


Video of working out the worksheet for Math F251X Week 5 Recitation Activity: preparation for Midterm 1

From  Leah Berman Williams 42 plays 0  

Ice Physics Explorations - Chris Arp

Fresh Eyes on Ice Virtual Workshop Day 2 Jan 15, 2022 Dr. Chris Arp discusses field and indoor investigations and experiments suitable for youth and students to investigate how ice grows and melts.

From  Katie Spellman 5 plays 0  

Canvas Carryout - Modules

See how Modules in Canvas structure your course content and act as the ‘trail’ guiding your students through the course.

From  Chris Beks 11 plays 0  

How to request an ILL

Quick video instruction on Interlibrary Loans (ILL)- what they are and how to request them.

From  Genova Brookes Boyd 41 plays 0  

Create a Zoom Link In Canvas

This tutorial walks through the steps for creating a course navigation link to a Zoom room, in a Canvas LMS course shell. These instructions are specific to Alaska's instances of Zoom and…

From  Christen Bouffard 19 plays 0  

Customizing the Course Menu In Canvas

Curious how you can customize your course navigation in Canvas? This short tutorial will show you how in less than a minute. Note that if you hide the menu link to Pages, Assignments, and Quizzes…

From  Christen Bouffard 9 plays 0  

Intro Video: Limits of indeterminate type and L'Hôpital's Rule

Limits of indeterminate type and L'Hospital's Rule

From  Leah Berman Williams 52 plays 0  

Intro Video: More Limits at Infinity

tricky limits at infinity

From  Leah Berman Williams 21 plays 0  

Intro Video: Product and Quotient Rules

Product Rule and Quotient Rule for differentiation

From  Leah Berman Williams 85 plays 0  

DH 9 sec 2.5 #46

Worked out solution to section 2.5 #46, which there were questions about in class.

From  Leah Berman Williams 24 plays 0