Search for tag: "function"

Vector, Part 4) Create empty vector in C++

+16 More
From  Lane Schwartz 6 plays 0  

Basic I/O, Part 3) Prompt user before cin

+17 More
From  Lane Schwartz 11 plays 0  

Command line arguments in C++

#include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int n{0}; n <= argc; n += 1) { std::cout << argv[n] << '\n'; } return 0; }

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 2 plays 0  

Simplest C++ program - compile the program

Compile the simplest possible C++ program using the g++ compiler. g++ -std=c++17 -o sample sample.c++

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 9 plays 0  

Simplest C++ program - parts of the function

Every function has four parts: return type name list of arguments body int main() { return 0;}

+17 More
From  Lane Schwartz 12 plays 0  

Simplest C++ program

int main() { return 0; }

+14 More
From  Lane Schwartz 23 plays 0  

Midterm 2 debrief

Overview of how to solve the problems on the Spring 2024 midterm 2. (Not full solutions, just discussion of solution techniques and issues to be aware of -- full solutions available separately.)

From  Leah Berman Williams 28 plays 0  

Sample quiz 9

Sample Quiz 9 for feedback before the exam.

+19 More
From  Leah Berman Williams 20 plays 0  

Sample Quiz 8 for feedback

Here's a version of Quiz 8 that looks remarkably like the actual Quiz 8 from Spring 2024, worked out in detail so you can get some feedback before the midterm.

From  Leah Berman Williams 12 plays 0  

Worked Homework Problems: #382 and 385 from Section 4.8 (L'Hopital's Rule)

Worked examples: #382 and #385 from section 4.8 of OpenStax Calcuus 1 (on L'Hopital's Rule)

From  Leah Berman Williams 9 plays 0  

Recitation 5: Prep for Midterm 1

(fixed #6)

+19 More
From  Leah Berman Williams 59 plays 0  

Graphical differentiation - A Quick Example

Walking through graphical differentiation

From  Leah Berman Williams 2 plays 0  

Simplest C++ program

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 1 plays 0  

Simplest C++ program

+19 More
From  Lane Schwartz 15 plays 0  

Worksheet: Final Exam Review

Worksheet: Final Exam Review. With commentary. And a bonus Newtons's Method problem.

From  Leah Berman Williams 65 plays 0  

Worksheet: Newton's Method

Worksheet; Newton's Method

From  Leah Berman Williams 16 plays 0