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Worksheet: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph (day 1)Worksheet: Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph. day 1. Focusing on the First Derivative Test, using derivatives to find local extrema, and using the second derivative to identify concavity.
From Leah Berman Williams
52 plays
Recitation-PracticeIPTMath F251X Calculus I Recitation Video: Practice Integral Proficiency Test
From Leah Berman Williams
14 plays
Recitation-IPT-warmupMath F251X Recitation Video: warmup for Integral Proficiency Test
From Leah Berman Williams
21 plays
RecitationActivity-MT2-prepRecitation activity for Math F251X: preparation for Midterm 2. Related rates, linearization, optimization, beginnings of integration, L'Hôpital's rule.
From Leah Berman Williams
137 plays
RecitationVideo-L’H-AntiderivativesRecitation Video for Math F251X: practice with using L'Hopital's rule (or not!) to compute certain limits, and thinking about the relationship between derivatives and antiderivatives, plus…
From Leah Berman Williams
59 plays
RecitationVideo-practiceDPTRecitation video for calculus 1: practice derivative proficiency test.
From Leah Berman Williams
36 plays
RecitationWeek7-exponentialFunctionsAndWordProblemsDerivatives of exponentials and logs, mini-derivative proficiency, geometric reminders for word problem setups.
From Leah Berman Williams
41 plays
Teaching Tip: Collect Student Viewing Data in Kaltura MediaspaceKaltura Mediaspace, UAF’s video and media delivery platform, gives users greater control over their videos than similar platforms. Instructors can view analytics of videos they deploy from…
From Sean Holland
271 plays