Search for tag: "triangle"
Worksheet: More Related Rates SetupA runthrough of how to set up (what we know, what we want, what relates these quantities) three related rates problems.
From Leah Berman Williams
24 plays
Worksheet: Derivatives of inverse functionsWorksheet: Derivatives of inverse functions, focusing on inverse trigonometric functions
From Leah Berman Williams
43 plays
Intro Video: Derivatives of Sine and CosineIntro Video: Proving that the derivative of sin(x) is cos(x) and that the derivative of cos(x) is -sin(x).
From Leah Berman Williams
45 plays
RecitationWeek7-exponentialFunctionsAndWordProblemsDerivatives of exponentials and logs, mini-derivative proficiency, geometric reminders for word problem setups.
From Leah Berman Williams
41 plays
Review: Inverse Functionsinverse functions (including logarithms and inverse trigonometric functions)
From Leah Berman Williams
138 plays